In some cases, CAPTCHA can be a tool that teaches AI models. Moreover, CAPTCHA isn’t always used for security reasons. It increases applications and data security. We can see that CAPTCHA can be a useful tool.

CAPTCHA can protect sensitive data from scraping bots. Attackers use scrapers,e.g., to collect contact data from users and send spam. Preventing scraping data – scrapers are programs that automatically collect user data.Therefore, instead of blocking the user account, a better solution is to present a CAPTCHA. Although, it’s not a good solution to enable attackers to block a specific user account easily. Usually, websites blocks user accounts after several failed logins. Preventing brute force attacks – hypothetically there exist brute force attacks that can iterate through all possible password combinations to hack a user account.

CAPTCHA can protect applications from such abuse. Protecting website registration – websites offering free services upon registration are often attacked by automated scripts that create thousands of accounts to obtain the free service or sell them.By using CAPTCHA, websites can block such unwanted actions. Spam software can send thousands of messages in a short time. Preventing spam on blogs and forums – spammers are always looking for places to send spam to promote some products, publish unwanted content, or rising ranks.Below we can see an example of such a CAPTCHA: The image is malformed in a way that only humans can correctly evaluate it and computer software should not. The most common type of CAPTCHA is a distorted image of text that users must correctly rewrite into a text field. The CAPTCHA is an algorithm preventing applications from bots and various spam attacks.